Johannes Gutenberg: Man of the Millennium

This book is an introduction to the life and work of Johannes Gutenberg, the man who invented the printing press.Gutenberg has been called the “Man of the Millennium” by Time-Life Magazine and others. In the mid-15th century he developed the first practical system for making movable type. His invention allowed books to be mass produced for the first time in history.This book contains a wealth of information about Gutenberg and his invention. It has many fascinating photographs and illustrations, including a simplified schematic that shows how Gutenberg made his movable metal type.Today we take books for granted. But before Gutenberg's printing press, books were a luxury only the wealthy could afford. Gutenberg’s invention changed our world forever. The ability to reproduce books efficiently and economically launched humanity into a new age of information, education and enlightenment for the masses. This is the story of a remarkable man and his magnificent machine.

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