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Jacques Necker: The Public Darling Who Cooked France’s Book
11.06.2021 Zero Theft
Jacques Necker Jacques Necker

Jacques Necker (1732-1804) was a successful Swiss banker who decided to rise up the ranks of French politics. He eventually reached the peak, becoming the Director of the Treasury of France. His economic policies, primarily aimed at reducing taxes, earned him much goodwill with many French commoners. Nevertheless, his ineptitude as a political economist, which he managed to conceal for years, eventually led to the loss of the public’s favor during the French Revolution. 

The Zero Theft Movement is working to eradicate the rigged parts of the economy so ethical businesses and American citizens can flourish. In this article, we will take a look at Jacques Necker and how he gained the love of the public. We will also see how the rigged socioeconomic system of 18th century France perhaps relates to the modern day U.S. economy.
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